Graphic Design
Although not my main skill, I sometimes do a bit of graphical work.

Artwork for the EP ‘Cubed’ of my band Flow. The title and the cubed shapes refer to the venue where the tracks were recorded (QBUS in Leiden), but also to the cubed, closed-off environments where we spent the lockdowns in.

Ink on canvas, surfaces coloured with diferent shades of paint. Digitalised in order to enhance contrast.

Stickers designed for synthesizer company SOMA Laboratories, based on the SOMA logo. This design got 3rd place in their design contest. I looked at the original SOMA logo and immediately had to think about those wooden boxes that I had as a child, where I had to match different shaped blocks with holes in order to get them in the box. SOMA’s products often spark a similar creativity and need for experimentation.

I built the blocks in 3D using Rhino and Grasshopper. I then extracted a view that I liked, vectorized it and processed it in Inkscape.

Artwork for an album and an EP of an upcoming release of my solo project.

Different cut-outs of acrylic paint on rough paper.